February 22, 2025 IMAGO DIALOGUE WORKSHOP: a new way to love IMAGO is an effective way to connect with your partner. It’s also a powerful tool that will radically transform your relationship into a conscious couplehood. This workshop is designed to assist all couples to become conscious and able to nurture the right kind […]
Family Constellations: Healing Our Family of Origin
Workshops Family Constellations: Healing Our Family of Origin Individual $65 Couple $90 Student $25 Scholarships available Pre-register 203-671-2211 Westrock Wellness, 869 Whalley Ave, New Haven Sending fee to: Don’s Favorites Some Decent Books Don’s Favorite Links Don’s Favorite Movies Silliness Saturday, September 14 Westrock Wellness, 869 Whalley Ave, New Haven 10 a.m. to […]
Marital programs, seminars, workshops and retreats
Workshops Marital programs, seminars, workshops and retreats Individual $65 Couple $90 Student $25 Scholarships available Pre-register 203-671-2211 Westrock Wellness, 869 Whalley Ave, New Haven Sending fee to: Don’s Favorites Some Decent Books Don’s Favorite Links Don’s Favorite Movies Silliness Saturday, January 24, 2024 Westrock Wellness, 869 Whalley Ave, New Haven 6:30 pm – […]
Family Constellation Workshop Current Date November 9, 2024
Family Constellations: Healing Our Family of Origin “Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary what we need is to love without conditions.” […]
The Art and Practice of Victimhood: Step # 10
#10: GET INTO THERAPY Finally, the tenth step for becoming a successful victim. If you have been following along up to now then it is time for you to advance as you are ready – more than ready for professional victimhood. You are now a professional victim and this means you’re ready to take on […]
The Art and Practice of Victimhood: Step # 9
# 9: ALWAYS FOCUS ON THE NEGATIVE AND/OR POTENTIALLY BAD IN LIFE If you have been following along up to now you should already be pretty well versed with this step. And there are always the newspapers, the internet and all kinds of other media available to help you advance your capacity to victimhood. With […]
The Art and Practice of Victimhood: Step # 8
# 8: SELECT A STYLE THAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU Victims come in all sorts of different shapes and styles. Only you are the one who is best suited to determine what style of victimhood is more to your own liking there are plenty of options available. What’s critical is that you decide on a […]
The Art and Practice of Victimhood: Step # 7
# 7: MAKE OTHERS RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR RELATIONSHIPS This next Step to becoming an effective victim logically follows from all the previous steps. This one is especially designed to have you work smarter as opposed to working harder. In fact it is all about getting others to work harder while you do little to nothing: […]
The Art and Practice of Victimhood: Step # 6
# 6: CULTIVATE YOUR SENSE OF PARANOIA If you have been following along these past few weeks and are utilizing the various steps offered so far, then you are surely well on your way to a life of successful victimhood. You’re now ready for what may be considered some advanced steps – steps that will […]
The Art and Practice of Victimhood: Step # 5
# 5: GET A MENTOR If you truly want to excel in your capacity for becoming an effective victim look for other skilled victims to teach you how to best complain, to grovel, and to hone your capacity to be a victim, and especially in how to complain with outrage. Learn by imitating these pros. […]